Untersuchung und Implementation verschiedener Kollisionserkennungsalgorithmen für deformierbare Körper

Michael Hanel, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Masterarbeit

Due to the rapid development in the graphics card sector, Virtual Reality (VR) Applications are getting a broader application range. In general VR-Applications try to map the real world to a virtual counterpart preserving the physical realism. Concerning the latter aspect, this is a very challenging task due to the requirements of user interaction. A crucial component of the VR-System is the collision detection. Realism in virtual environments demands avoidance of invalid states like intersection of objects.

In the context of the HAPTEX-Project (hapti interaction with virtual textiles) methods detecting the aforementioned states are presented. Moreover, a scheme for resolving collisions and technical solutions related to the integration within the HAPTEX VR-System architecture are shown.

Kontakt: Guido Böttcher