PhD Position: User interaction with multi-scale and multi-modal MSD modalities

An appointment as an Early Stage Researcher (ESR) is available at the Welfenlab, Leibniz Universität Hannover in Germany within the framework of the European Marie-Curie Research and Training Network entitled “MultiScaleHuman”.

Working with complex 3D data occurring in this project will be a demanding task that requires means of interaction going beyond tradi-tional man-machine interfaces such as keyboard and mouse. The research hypothesis is that a VR-based interac-tion employing state-of-the-art force-feedback devices will provide a more intuitive means of understanding and efficiently manipulating such data and navigating between the different scales. The thesis will include training periods at some sites of the European partners of this network.

The complete job description is available via PDF.

17.01.12, 11:40