Welfenlab - Leibniz 
                        Universität Hannover Welfenlab Leibniz Universität Hannover

Computational Methods for Cochlear Mechanics

Cem Dogan, Leibniz Universität Hannover

A framework for simulation of fluid flow based on the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations using finite-difference methods on parallel, distributed-memory platforms is being developed. Inter-node communication is achived via MPI ensuring portability. This framework is used to simulate cochlea mechanics and visualize traveling waves emerging on the basilar membrane. The spiral geometry of the cochlea is modeled with curvilinear coordinates.

The framework aims at automating the solution process by permitting to choose between different discretizations and finite-difference schemes and to express them together with the partial differential equation system on a symbolic level in near mathematical notation in C++.

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