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HAPTEX Workshop

The project "HAPtic sensing of virtual TEXtiles" (HAPTEX) is a research project on multimodal perception of textiles in the virtual environment. Its main goal is to develop a Virtual Reality System (including both software and hardware) for visuo-haptic interaction with virtual textiles.

The project is funded under the Sixth Framework Programme (FP6) of the European Union (Contract No. IST-6549). The funding is provided by the Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) programme, which is part of the Information Society Technologies (IST) area and focusses on novel and emerging scientific ideas. Its mission is to promote research that is of a long-term nature or involves particularly high risks, compensated by the potential of a significant societal or industrial impact.

The administrative and scientific coordinator of HAPTEX is the MIRALab, University of Geneva (Switzerland), headed by Prof. Dr. Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann.

Topics of Interest

  • Human-Computer Interaction
  • Simulating the touch, the hearing and the vision in virtual worlds
  • Multimodal interaction system for presenting deformable materials
  • Presenting haptic feedback in multimodal interaction
  • Hardware for haptic/tactile interaction in virtual worlds
  • Haptic/tactile rendering
  • Modeling dynamics of deformable objects for haptic/tactile feedback
  • Dynamic simulation of soft tissues/deformable objects including textiles
  • Perception of material using haptic feedback
  • Applications of haptic/tactile interfaces for soft/deformable objects


To find out more about the HAPTEX 2007, you might want to take a look at the Call for Papers and the HAPTEX 2007 Program Committee.

Further Information

We also organized a previous HAPTEX Workshop in the year 2005. To find out more about HAPTEX, you can visit the project homepage.