About UsIf you have any questions or comments, we are looking forward to hear from you. We are pleased to help you and answer your questions. Contact Us To reach us via email on behalf of the conference, you may contact the management office of the CYBERWORLDS or Prof. Wolter via hcw2007 (at) gdv.uni-hannover.de. We usually try to answer any email within 24 hours. Of course you may also contact us in the "traditional" way:
The WelfenlabThe Division of Computer Graphics was founded by Professor Franz-Erich Wolter in 1994, when he was appointed full professorship of Computer Graphics. Professor Wolter gave the division the more memorable name "Welfenlab", since our rooms and laboratories are located in the Welfen Castle, the university's main building and former residence of the royal family of Hannover. At first, the division was part of the Institute of Computer Science in the Department of Mathematics. After several structural changes and the establishment of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, today the Division of Computer Graphics belongs to the Institute of Man-Machine-Communication. The first courses at the new division were held in the summer term of 1995. Today, the Welfenlab consists of Professor Wolter and his personal assistant, Ms. Esz, eight senior and 23 junior research assistants. Our research covers many different topics from the areas of geometric modelling, differential geometry and virtual reality systems. Our ResearchWe research all aspects of the three-dimensional visualization and modelling of natural and designed objects in virtual settings. Most of our research topics fall in the category of Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling, with focus on
Find out more ...To find more about the Division of Computer Graphics, please visit our homepage.