Call for Papers HAPTEX 2007VR Workshop On Haptic and Tactile Perception of Deformable ObjectsLeibnizhaus Hannover, Germany
All submissions will be peer reviewed. Papers in English containing original and unpublished results are solicited. Maximum 8 pages including figures for full and 5 pages for short papers are acceptable. The accepted papers will be will be printed as a special session in the CW 2007 Conference Proceedings (publisher: IEEE). Extended versions of the best papers will be published in a special issue of "The Visual Computer". Topics of Interest
Submission InformationPapers in English containing original and unpublished results are solicited. Maximum 8 pages including figures for full and 5 pages for short papers are acceptable. The Proceedings of CW 2007 (including the accepted papers of the HAPTEX Workshop) will be published by IEEE Computer Society Press. Authors of accepted Papers should use the instruction of IEEE Computer Society Press Proceedings Author Guidelines. Paper submission will be electronic through the conference web-page. Acceptable file formats are: Postscript and PDF. Hard copy submissions are not permitted. All paper submissions must reach us by 1st May, 2007. The Workshop is Organized By
ContactsProf. Franz-Erich Wolter Download the PDF Version of this Call for papers. Important Dates