You are here: CYBERWORLDS '07»Tourist Information»Hannover


If you come to CYBERWORLDS or HAPTEX 2007, why not stay some more days to explore the city? There are many points of interest in Hannover, the famous Herrenhäuser Gärten, the Aegidienkirche, the old city hall and last but not least the Welfenschloß (today the university), just to name a few. For further information see Hannover Online.

Begin Tower Old Town Central Station Welfen Mausoleum Zoo


Some important addresses and phone numbers:

Cyerworlds & Haptex 07 Office
Welfengarten 1
30167 Hannover, Germany
Phone: +49 511.762-2910
Fax: +49 511.762-2911
email: hcw2007 (at)

Hannover Tourist Information
Ernst-August-Platz 8
30159 Hannover, Germany
Phone: +49 511.3014-111
Fax: +49 511.3014-14
email: info (at)

Holzmarkt 4 - 6
30159 Hannover
Phone: +49 511.762-4450
Fax +49 511.762-4460

Important Local Phone Numbers
Taxi: 3811, 8484 or 2143
Emergency call: 110 (free service)
Left-luggage office (airport): 977-2644
Service Point (central station): 238-3468

We wish you a pleasant trip, a successful conference and are looking forward to seeing you in Hannover.