Virtual Reality and Haptics
Nowadays, communication between computer and human, i.e., the exchange of information and the interaction with the machine, follows several commonly accepted paradigms. In the majority of cases, the interface between man and machine consists of screen, printer, keyboard and mouse, sometimes a scanner, head set or a graphics tablet. Most people take these tools for granted, although the work with them has to be learned and is not intuitive. The question is if there are more intuitive ways and metaphors to work and communicate with the computer. Here at the Welfenlab we research this and related questions.
One possibility for another interface design is the creation of a virtual world inside the computer that reflects our reality, which we are used to interact with. Such a virtual world or virtual reality should cosely correspond to our perception of the real world, adhering to the same natural laws and containing the same objects. In recent years, the main focus was on computer graphics and to a lesser extent on computer sounds, leading to three dimensional high resolution visualizations, that are sometimes indistinguishable from reality.
It was an early discovery that the combination of different senses in the interaction, so-called multi-modal interaction, can noticeably augment the efficiency. Due to limitations of computing power, the integration of non-visual channels, such as haptics has only just begun.
- HAPTEX - HAPtic sensing of virtual TEXtiles was a project funded by the European Union within the Sixth Framework Programme (FP6) from December 2004 to November 2007. The goal of the project was a VR system for the visual and haptic simulation of real textiles. The responsibility of our laboratory was the development of the haptic renderer. The system in use is presented in a short video clip:
- Haptics, VR and CAD in the automotive industry, cooperation with the Volkswagen VR Research Laboratory from 1997-2005, has led to two external dissertations of employees of the Volkswagen VR research laboratories.
- From Physics-based Simulation to the Touching of Textiles: The HAPTEX Project. In The International Journal of Virtual Reality 6 (2007), no. 3, 35-44.
- Niklas Peinecke, Dennis Allerkamp, Franz-Erich Wolter. Generating Tactile Textures Using Periodicity Analysis. In Proceedings of Cyberworlds 2007.
- Guido Böttcher, Dennis Allerkamp, Franz-Erich Wolter. Virtual Reality Systems Modelling Haptic Two-Finger Contact With Deformable Physical Surfaces. In Proceedings of Cyberworlds 2007.
- Marco Fontana, Simone Marcheschi, Federico Tarri, Fabio Salsedo, Massimo Bergamasco, Dennis Allerkamp, Guido Böttcher, Franz-Erich Wolter, Alan C. Brady, Jianguo Qu, Ian R. Summers. Integrating Force and Tactile Rendering Into a Single VR System. In Proceedings of Cyberworlds 2007.
- D. Allerkamp, G. Böttcher, F.-E. Wolter, A.C. Brady, J. Qu, I.R. Summers. A Vibrotactile Approach to Tactile Rendering. The Visual Computer , 23(2):97 – 108, 2007.
- D. Allerkamp, G. Böttcher, A.C. Brady, J. Qu, I.R. Summers, F.-E. Wolter. Tactile Rendering: A Vibrotactile Approach. In Proceedings of HAPTEX '05 - Workshop on Haptic and Tactile Perception of Deformable Objects. Division of Computer Graphics, University of Hannover, December 2005.
- P. Volino, P. Davy, U. Bonanni, N. Magnenat-Thalmann, G. Böttcher, D. Allerkamp, F.-E. Wolter. From measured physical parameters to the haptic feeling of fabric. In Proceedings of HAPTEX '05 - Workshop on Haptic and Tactile Perception of Deformable Objects. Division of Computer Graphics, University of Hannover, December 2005.
- F. Salsedo, M. Fontana, F. Tarri, E. Ruffaldi, M. Bergamasco, N. Magnenat-Thalmann, P. Volino, U. Bonanni, A. Brady, I. Summers, J. Qu, D. Allerkamp, G. Böttcher, F.-E. Wolter, M. Mäkinen, H. Meinander. Architectural Design of the Haptex System. In Proceedings of HAPTEX '05 - Workshop on Haptic and Tactile Perception of Deformable Objects. Division of Computer Graphics, University of Hannover, December 2005.
- PhD Thesis. Modeling VR systems for haptic interaction with mechanical objects especially textiles. Guido Böttcher (in progress).
- PhD Thesis. Generation of Stimuli Supporting Tactile Perception of Textiles in a VR System. Dennis Allerkamp (in progress).
- PhD Thesis. Virtual Reality Methods for Industrial Interior Design in Automotive Engineering. Malte Schulze, Volkswagen AG, Virtual Reality Lab, 2005.
- PhD Thesis. Virtual Assembly and Disassembly via Flexible Components using Adapted Force Feedback Devices. Ralf Rabätje, Volkswagen AG, Virtual Reality Lab, 2002.
- bachelor thesis Adaptive 3D-Visualization of fractal Heightmaps using Tessellation Shaders. Adrian Hengelhaupt - 03/2014
- bachelor thesis Haptisches Heightfieldwater. Markus Schulze - 09/2013
- diploma thesis Geometrische Integrationsmethoden fĂĽr Kontinuumsmechanik. Dennis Schridde - 05/2013
- bachelor thesis Haptisches Modellieren. Roman Zimbelmann - 03/2013
- bachelor thesis Vegetationsgenerierung mittels Zellulärer Automaten und Spieltheorie. Sven Röttering - 02/2013
- bachelor thesis Stereographische Visualisierung von 360° Aufnahmen auf einem Head Mounted Display (HMD). Peter Denis - 09/2012
- bachelor thesis Interaktive Szeneexploration mittels Datenhandschuh und optischem Tracking. Marc LĂĽhr - 09/2012
- bachelor thesis Implementation eines Echtzeitmodells fĂĽr den Wasserkreislauf. Oliver Weidner - 09/2012
- bachelor thesis Implementierung einer parallelen partikelbasierten Fluidsimulation. Karoline Busse - 02/2012
- diploma thesis Head Position Invariant Gaze Tracking. Andreas Tarnowsky - 01/2012
- masters thesis Local Refinement Methods for Fluid Simulation. Maximilian Hans Gerhard Klein - 10/2011
- bachelor thesis Differentielle Wahrnehmungsschwellen in der Haptik. Magnus Adler - 09/2011
- bachelor thesis Gestenerkennung mit einem Datenhandschuh. Alexander Lanin - 05/2011
- bachelor thesis Entwicklung einer VR-Umgebung zur Untersuchung der räumlichen Wahrnehmung von multiplen dynamischen Objekten. Falk Garbsch - 01/2010
- diploma thesis Improving finger contact models for haptic interaction. Rasmus Buchmann - 12/2009
- masters thesis Entwurf und Implementation einer haptischen Schnittstelle fĂĽr YaDiV. Marc Christoph Vollmer - 10/2009
- bachelor thesis Numerical Solvers on the Cell B.E. Processor Architectur for Haptic Applications. Maximilian Klein - 08/2009
- masters thesis Parallelisierte Berechnung zur Fluiddynamik auf der Cell B.E. Prozessorarchitektur. Daniel Pralle - 07/2009
- bachelor thesis Implementierung und Untersuchung numerischer Algorithmen zur physikalischen Simulation auf CUDA-fähigen GPUs. Olaf Göllner - 05/2009
- diploma thesis Analysis of Coupled Dynamical Systems Exemplified by an Interactive Real-Time Simulation. Daniel Glöckner - 07/2008
- masters thesis A Generalized Architecture for Hybrid Tracking Including Inertial Sensor Technology. Daniela Lauer - 07/2008
- masters thesis Entwicklung haptischer Modellierkonzepte fĂĽr die Medialen-Achsen-RĂĽcktransformation. Coester Julia - 06/2008
- Studienarbeit Untersuchungen zur Vorhersage menschlicher Bewegungen. Rick Moritz - 03/2008
- masters thesis Untersuchung und Implementation verschiedener Kollisionserkennungsalgorithmen für deformierbare Körper. Michael Hanel - 08/2007
- masters thesis Ein lernendes System zur taktilen Darstellung von Textilien. Sebastian Preuin - 08/2007
- bachelor thesis Implementation und Untersuchung verschiedener Mesh-Verfeinerungstechniken. Sven Thomas - 07/2007
- bachelor thesis Darstellung von feinen Höhenprofilen mit einem taktilen Display. Branko Petkovic - 06/2007
- bachelor thesis Simulation des Greifvorgangs von starren Körpern am GRAB-Device. Maximilian Müller - 05/2007
- bachelor thesis Numerical computations on graphics hardware. Daniel Pralle - 04/2007
- diploma thesis Development of a Real-Time Deformation Model of the Human Fingertip for Haptic Force-Feedback . Steffen Blume - 04/2007
- bachelor thesis Eine taktile Benutzerschnittstelle fĂĽr blinde Computernutzer. Yasin Alakese - 03/2007
- masters thesis Ein System zur taktilen Simulation ebener Oberflächen. Karin Matzke - 11/2006
- bachelor thesis Entwicklung eines Verfahrens zur Realzeit-Simulation von Textilien unter Verwendung von progressiven Meshs. Karsten Vogt - 09/2006
- Studienarbeit Konstruktion eines Gerätes zur Simulation von Oberflächenstrukturen für den Einsatz in VR-Umgebungen. Steffen Blume - 05/2006
- masters thesis Verschiedene Methoden zur Generierung virtueller taktiler Oberflächenstrukturen. Tjard Köbberling - 01/2006
- diploma thesis Ein mathematisches Echtzeit-Modell taktiler Merkmale von Oberflächen. Jennis Meyer-Spradow - 06/2005
- diploma thesis Netzwerkerweiterung fĂĽr VR-Applikationen. Sven Mooshake - 05/1999
- diploma thesis Automatisches Texturieren von Freiformflächen. Jürgen Hunold - 05/1999
- diploma thesis Symmetrische Aspekte der haptischen Wahrnehmung von Materialien. Rene von Wieding - 05/1999
- diploma thesis Fraktale Aspekte der haptischen Wahrnehmung von Materialien. Iris Herbst - 05/1999
- diploma thesis Entwicklung eines echtzeitfähigen Kopf-Rumpf-Modells des Menschen für VR-Applikationen. Andre Wöbbeking - 08/1998
- diploma thesis Ein virtueller Meisterbock fĂĽr die FahrzeugauĂźenhaut. Ingo Stadel - 08/1998
- diploma thesis Manipulation von NURBS-Kurven und Flächen in VR-Umgebungen. Oliver Sniehotta - 01/1998
- Studienarbeit COLTEX-Manipulation von Oberflächeneigenschaften in einer VR-Umgebung. Jürgen Hunold - 10/1997
- Studienarbeit Virtual Design Configuration - Entwicklung eines graphischen Front-Ends zur Konfiguration einer VR-Applikation. Rene von Wieding - 10/1997
- bachelor thesis Zeitadaptive asynchrone Textilsimulation. Falk-David Deppe - in Bearbeitung
- bachelor thesis A scalable controller for operating multidirectional tactile arrays. Sven Feldkord - in Bearbeitung