Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover
Institut für Mensch-Maschine-Kommunikation
FG Graphische Datenverarbeitung
Welfengarten 1 • 30167 Hannover
Dennis Allerkamp studied mathematics and computer science at the University of Hannover and wrote his diploma thesis on the computation of medial sets respective curved surfaces in Euclidean space. He received his diploma in mathematics (master's equivalent) in December 2004.
Since then he is working at the Division of Computer Graphics of the University of Hannover as a research assistant and Ph.D. candidate. Beside his commitment to theWelfenlab Competition 2005 and 2006 he was primarily involved in the HAPTEX project.
His research interests are in the area of haptics, human-computer interfaces, as well as medial axis.
- Ph.D. Thesis. Generation of Stimuli Supporting Tactile Perception of Textiles in a VR System. 2009.
- Diploma Thesis. Computation of Medial Sets Respective Curved Surfaces in Euclidean Space. (German) - 2004.
- Seminar Paper. Mathematical Fundamentals of Semiorthogonal Wavelets for the Modeling of Surfaces. (German) - 2002.
Supervised Theses / Seminars
- Bachelorarbeit Entwicklung einer VR-Umgebung zur Untersuchung der räumlichen Wahrnehmung von multiplen dynamischen Objekten. Falk Garbsch - 01/2010
- Seminar Convolution Shadow Mapping. Björn Bredthauer - 01/2009
- Masterarbeit A Generalized Architecture for Hybrid Tracking Including Inertial Sensor Technology. Daniela Lauer - 07/2008
- Studienarbeit Untersuchungen zur Vorhersage menschlicher Bewegungen.Rick Moritz - 03/2008
- Seminar Modelling, Simulation and Rendering of Hair. Karsten Vogt - 12/2007
- Masterarbeit Ein lernendes System zur taktilen Darstellung von Textilien.Sebastian Preuin - 08/2007
- Bachelorarbeit Darstellung von feinen Höhenprofilen mit einem taktilen Display. Branko Petkovic - 06/2007
- Seminar Low-Cost Laser Range Scanner and Fast Surface Registration Approach . Yvonne Bernard - 04/2007
- Bachelorarbeit Eine taktile Benutzerschnittstelle für blinde Computernutzer.Yasin Alakese - 03/2007
- Masterarbeit Ein System zur taktilen Simulation ebener Oberflächen. Karin Matzke - 11/2006
- Studienarbeit Konstruktion eines Gerätes zur Simulation von Oberflächenstrukturen für den Einsatz in VR-Umgebungen. Steffen Blume - 05/2006
- Seminar Shape From Shading. Christian Kubitza - 05/2006
- Masterarbeit Verschiedene Methoden zur Generierung virtueller taktiler Oberflächenstrukturen. Tjard Köbberling - 01/2006
- Seminar Preparation of measurements of fabric surface properties for haptic simulation. Richard Guercke - 04/2005
Guido Böttcher, Dennis Allerkamp, Daniel Glöckner, Franz-Erich Wolter. Haptic Two-Finger Contact With Textiles. The Visual Computer, 24(10):911–922, 2008.
- Niklas Peinecke, Dennis Allerkamp, Franz-Erich Wolter. Generating Tactile Textures Using Periodicity Analysis. In Proceedings of Cyberworlds 2007.
- Guido Böttcher, Dennis Allerkamp, Franz-Erich Wolter. Virtual Reality Systems Modelling Haptic Two-Finger Contact With Deformable Physical Surfaces. In Proceedings of Cyberworlds 2007.
- Marco Fontana, Simone Marcheschi, Federico Tarri, Fabio Salsedo, Massimo Bergamasco, Dennis Allerkamp, Guido Böttcher, Franz-Erich Wolter, Alan C. Brady, Jianguo Qu, Ian R. Summers. Integrating Force and Tactile Rendering Into a Single VR System. In Proceedings of Cyberworlds 2007.
- D. Allerkamp, G. Böttcher, F.-E. Wolter, A.C. Brady, J. Qu, I.R. Summers. A Vibrotactile Approach to Tactile Rendering. The Visual Computer, 23(2):97–108, 2007.
- D. Allerkamp, G. Böttcher, A.C. Brady, J. Qu, I.R. Summers, F.-E. Wolter. Tactile Rendering: A Vibrotactile Approach. In Proceedings of HAPTEX '05 - Workshop on Haptic and Tactile Perception of Deformable Objects. Division of Computer Graphics, University of Hannover, December 2005.
- P. Volino, P. Davy, U. Bonanni, N. Magnenat-Thalmann, G. Böttcher, D. Allerkamp, F.-E. Wolter. From measured physical parameters to the haptic feeling of fabric. In Proceedings of HAPTEX '05 - Workshop on Haptic and Tactile Perception of Deformable Objects. Division of Computer Graphics, University of Hannover, December 2005.
- F. Salsedo, M. Fontana, F. Tarri, E. Ruffaldi, M. Bergamasco, N. Magnenat-Thalmann, P. Volino, U. Bonanni, A. Brady, I. Summers, J. Qu, D. Allerkamp, G. Böttcher, F.-E. Wolter, M. Mäkinen, H. Meinander. Architectural Design of the Haptex System. In Proceedings of HAPTEX '05 - Workshop on Haptic and Tactile Perception of Deformable Objects. Division of Computer Graphics, University of Hannover, December 2005.